Sample and Dieline Service

Confused about where to start and what to do? 

The FromPaper sample service was developed to reduce risks with incorrect packaging sizes, but also provide you with an opportunity to see, try out and test different box formats with your products before going to mass production. 


Whether using common box shapes, another one from our website or a new format completely, we will support you to provide a design that works for your product, functionally, aesthetically but that is of course production feasible.

How it works

1. Order our sample service indicating the templates you want. We provide 2 as standard and 2 samples of each.


2. Provide us with samples or dimensions. Any addresses will be sent after order. 


3. We design new or adjust existing templates for perfect fit, opening, closing, protection and production feasibility.


4. We cut out, glue and assemble and test samples. 


5. We make any final adjustments, re-cutting if necessary.


6. We flat pack and send samples to you in the mail. Providing instructions for with assembly if required. 


7. You provide feedback if and if approved we send you dielines via email.

How much does it cost?


What is included?

  • 2 packaging formats designed to fit your product or packaging sourced.
  • 2 x samples of each format cut, creased, glued and folded flat to the selected pack formats.
  • Shipping to one UK mainland address
  • Completed production ready dielines in editable PDF to the formats we sampled to your supplied email address. If you need a different format, let us know.
  • 1 adjustment to the dieline after cartons are received if needed.
  • £30 discount on any future order over £300

Additional Costs (If required)

  • £25 
    • Add an extra format at time of ordering receiving 2 additional cut samples.
  • £10
    • Additional adjustment to dieline only. Receiving of updating PDF
  • £30
    • Adjustment to template, with 2 recut samples, dieline PDF and shipping to 1 UK mainline address £30